About Me
“Hello there! This is Carol’s blog. I’m not Carol. I’m her boyfriend. She’s in the other room right now. I totally stole her keyboard. When again will I get the chance to give her website the final touch?
Well. I think Carol really is the photographer you need. Not only does she take great photos, she really makes you smile. She makes me smile every day. Why? Because she’s a true sunshine herself.
Don’t worry, if you don’t want smiley pictures, she knows how to handle that as well. She’s a true Woman. Yes, with a capital W. She knows what she wants. She did pick me, so she does have a good taste. So, she also knows how to get you the most beautiful photos. Do what she says.
She’s been photographing for many-many years. It’s truly something she loves doing and I’m glad it makes her happy. I see it every single day. She truly feels she’s the collector of peoples’ most important moments and I believe that too.”
– Carol’s bae
PS. Carol. If you find this note, pls leave it here. I’ll make you a coffee (she loves coffee).